미생물학회지 (Korean Journal of Microbiology)
- 제27권3호
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- Pages.285-290
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- 1989
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- 0440-2413(pISSN)
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- 2383-9902(eISSN)
Rhodospirillum rubrum KS-301에 미치는 제초제 butachlor의 영향
Effects of herbicide butachlor on Rhodospirillum rubrum KS-301
한국에서 분리한 비유황 광합성 세균 Rhodospirillum rubrm KS-301 생장에 대하여 논 잡초제로 널리 쓰이는 butachlor(제품명 Machete)의 영향을 본 것이다. 실제 논에서 사용되고 있는 농노인
The biololgical effect of the preemergence rice field herbicide, butachlor(commercial name, Machete) on purple nonsulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum KS-301 has been studied under cultural conditions. Bacterial growth showed a tendency to decline according to the degree of the concentration of butachlor until