Korean journal of food and cookery science (한국식품조리과학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 4 Serial No. 13
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- Pages.69-83
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- 1990
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- 2287-1780(pISSN)
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- 2287-1772(eISSN)
Studies on the Constituents of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino
덩굴차(Gynostemma pentaphylum Makino)의 성분에 관한 연구
- Lee, Heon-Ok (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang College of Home Economics, University) ;
- Ko, Young-Su (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang College of Home Economics, University)
- Published : 1990.10.30
Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino is a kind of perennial liana plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. Since it was first discovered and reported to the Japanese academy in 1977, it came to be widely known to China and Southeast Asia areas as well as Japan. In Korea its name began to appear in the first half of 1980's, and it is now being nationwidely cultivated and popularized as tea stuffs. Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino has remarkably strong propagation power. In addition. since it contains a great quantity of beneficial components, especially saponin it is believed to have excellent medical effects, too. This study was undertaken to examine the value of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino as a health-promotint tea, by investigating the components creating the flaver of tea and the saponin ingredient making medical effects as well as by inspecting whether Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino products show different component arrangements according to their growing districts. As raw materials of the experiment, three kinds of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino samples produced in Suwon, Geochang and Uleungdo were taken. To accomplish the formerly stated goals, the contained quantity of the proximate composition, free sugar, reducing sugar, free amino acid, minerals, tannin, caffeine and vitamin C were measured respectively and compared between the samples, while the saponin content was compared with heat extracted from panax ginseng. The results of the experiment are as follows: 1. In the case of the proximate composition, the crude fat content was the highest in the Gymostemma pentaphyllum Makino material from Geochang (1.62%), the second in that from Suwon (1.56%), and the lowest in that from Uleungdo (1.0%). In addition the Geochang: produced sample had the greatest quantity of the crude protein and ash contents: the order of the crude Protein content was the Geochang produced (17.83%), the Suwon-produced (15.87%), and the Uleungdo-produced(12.28%), while that of the ash content was the Geochang-produced (14.80%), the Uleungdo-produced(10.17%), and the Suwon-produced(9.34%). 2. As for the reducing sugar contents, the Suwon-produced scored the highest of the three (3.3%), while the Geochang-produced was 1.3% and the Uleungdo-produced 0.5%. The total content of free sugar was 1.07% (the Suwon-produced), and 0.49% (the Geochang-produced) respectively but the sample from Uleungdo showed almost no free sugar content. The contained quantity of fructose and glucose was the highest among the kinds of free sugar both in the Suwon-produced and in the Geochang-produced. 3. The content of amino acid was the highest in the Suwon-produced(1.41%), the second in the Geochang-produced(1.37%), and the lowest in the Uleungdo-produced(0.53%). In the experiment, sixteen kinds of amino acid were extracted-Asp. Thr. Ser. Glu. Gly. Ala. Val. Het. Ileu. Leu. Tyr. Phe. Lys. His. Arg. Try. All of them except glutamic acid and methionine showed the highest quantity score in the Suwon-produced, while the glutamic acid content was the higest in the Uleungdo-produced and the methionine content in the Geochang-produced. The sequential arrangement of the sixteen contents according to their magnitude ranged from glycine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid (the highest) to tryptophan, serine and lysine (the lowest). 4. Ten kinds of mineral were detected-Ca, Mn, Cd, K, Na, Pb, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu. Among them, the content of Cd, Na, Mg, Zn and Fe was the highest in the Geochang-produced and that of K in the Suwon-produced. 5. The Geochang-produced materials contained much a larger quantity of tannin (6.3%) than the Suwon-produced (2.6%). Neither caffeine nor vitamin C was detected in the three kinds of materials. 6. In the case of the saponin content the Geochang-produced showd 2.39%, the Uleungdo-produced 1.77% and the Suwon-produced 1.49% respectively. However, it was found also that the saponin content of Gymostemma pentaphyllum Makino was the same kind as that of panax ginseng.
덩굴차의 차로서 맛에 관계되는 성분과 약리 효과를 타나내는 saponin에 대해서 알아보고, 또한 이들 성분이 산지에 따라 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 실시된 실험 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 일반성분의 함량중 조지방은 거창산에 1.62%로 가장 많았고, 수원산 1.56%, 및 울릉도산 1.00%의 순이었다. 조단백은 거창산이 17.83%. 수원산 15.83%, 및 울릉도산 12.28%로 나타났으며, 회분의 함량은 거창산이 14.80%, 울릉도산이 10.17%, 및 수원산이 9.34%로 조지방, 조단백질, 회분이 모두 거창산에 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 2. 환원당의 함량은 수원산이 3.3%로 가장 높았고, 거창산이 1.3%, 울릉도산이 0.5%로 나타났다. 각각의 유리당의 함량은 수원산과 거창산 모두에서 과당과 포도당의 양이 가장 높았다. 3. 아미노산의 함량은 수원산이 1.41%로 가장 높았고, 거창산이 1.37%. 울릉도산이 0.53%로 가장 낮았다. Asp. Thr. Ser. Glu. Gly. Ala. Val. Met. Ileu. Leu. Tyr. Phe. Lys. His. Arg.및 Try.외 16종의 아미노산이 검출되었는데 glutamic acid와 methionine을 제외하고는 수원산의 아미노산 함량이 거창산이나 울릉도산에 비해 모두 높았으며, glutamic acid는 울릉도산에서, methionine은 거창산에서 가장 높았다. 공통적으로 함량이 많은 아미노산의 순은 Gly. Asp. 및 Glu였고, 가장 적은 아미노산의 순은 Lys. Ser. 및 Try. 이었다. 4. 무기질은 칼슘, 망간. 카드뮴, 칼륨, 나트륨, 납, 마그네슘, 철, 아연, 구리 등 10종이 검출되었는데 카드뮴, 나트륨, 마그네슘, 아연, 구리의 함량은 울릉도산에서 가장 높았고, 칼슘, 망간. 철은 거창산에서 가장 높게 나타났으며. 칼륨은 수원산에서 가장 높았다. 5. Tannin은 거창산이 6.3%로써 수원산 2.5%. 이나 울릉도산 2.6%에 비해 월등히 많은 양을 함유하고 있다. Caffeine과 vitamin C는 수원, 거창 및 울릉도산이 1.77%, 수원산이 1.49%로 나타났으며, 덩굴차에는 인삼 saponin성분과 동일한 saponin은 존재하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 위 실험 결과에 나타난 것과 같이 산지에 따라서 그 성분의 차이가 있으므로 그 맛이나 향기, 색깔 또한 차이가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 그러므로 앞으로 관능검사나 독특한 향기성분, 색소성분등을 분석연구한다면 좀더 우리 입맛에 맞는 맛을 가진 보편성을 가진 차로 한층 더 개발될 수 있으리라 생각된다.