A case Report of Esophageal Stricture after Esophagogastric Anastomosis with EEA Stapler in a patient of Idiopathic Muscular Hypertrophy of Esophagus

특발성 식도비후환자에서 EEA Stapler를 사용한 식도위문합 후에 발생한 식도협착 -1례 보고-

  • Published : 1990.06.01


Since Steichen and Ravich`s pioneer work in 1972 proved that staples reduced anastomotic leaks and operative time, the use of EEA stapler`s in esophagogastrostomy have gained acceptance and popularity. But overriding these benefits are the high stricture rate, which leads to the reappearance of dysphagia. The mechanism for the development of stricture in stapled anastomosis is likely to be due to the lack of mucosa to mucosa apposition and presence of necrotic tissue between the luminal edge and the rows of the stapler. All strictures were easily dilated. Recently, we encountered a patient who suffered from an esophageal stricture that slowly developed 10 months after an esophagogastric anastomosis with a EEA 425 was performed due to severe muscular hypertrophy of esophagus. Because the stricture failed to respond to the Bougienage, we reoperated using a EEA 28 this time. We feel that this case review helps to show that despite the very low leakage rate in small size EEA stapler, there is also a very high risk of stricture.
