Korean Journal of Microbiology (미생물학회지)
- Volume 28 Issue 1
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- Pages.47-54
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- 1990
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- 0440-2413(pISSN)
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- 2383-9902(eISSN)
Physiological Characteristics of Fusants by Interspecific Protoplast Fusion of the Genus Cellulomonas
Cellulomonas 속 종간 원형질 융합체의 특성
- Bae, Moo (Department of Biology, College of Natural Science, Ehwa Womans University) ;
- Lim, Jung-Hwa (Department of Biology, College of Natural Science, Ehwa Womans University)
- Published : 1990.03.01
In order to investigate physiological characteristics of fusants by interspecific protoplast fusion of the genus Cellulomonas, protoplasts of Cellulomonas flavigena NCIB 12901 and Cellulomonas bibula NCIB 8142 were fused and cell wall regenerated. To give gene maker, C. bibula was treated with 500 ug/ml NTG for 1 hr and arginine requiring auxotrophic mutants were isolated. Protoplasts of the genus Cellulomonas were obtained by treatment with
섬유소를 분해할 수 있는 Cellutomonas flavigena NCIB 12901 과 Cellulomonas bibula NCIB 8142의 종간 원형질체 융합을 하고 그로부터 얻은 융합체의 특성을 조사하였다. C. bibuta의 원형질체는 lysozyme(600Ieιllulomoηas libula NCIB 8142의 종간 원형 섣처l 융 한응 하고:1로부터 얻은융합셰익 특성을 조사하였다 . C bibula의 원형선셰는 lysozyme