Korean Journal of Microbiology (미생물학회지)
- Volume 28 Issue 1
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- Pages.76-82
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- 1990
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- 0440-2413(pISSN)
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- 2383-9902(eISSN)
Characteristics of Mercury-resistant Bacteria Isolated from River Water
하천에서 분리한 수은 내성세균의 특성
In samples taken from mouth of the Nakdong River, mercury-resistant bacteria grown on the media supplemented with over 20 ppm of mercuric chlorice were below 0.3% of all aerobic heterotrophs. Among them, seven strains grown over 100 ppm of mercuric chloride were isolated and all were identified as Pseudomonas. The toxic effect of mercury on the growth of the most resistant strain N14 was influenced by the organic compounds and concentration. The growth and physiological activity to N14 strain were affected by toxic mercury in the early stage: The viable count and glucose turn over rate of N14 strain dropped to the lowest level as soon as the bacteria came into contact with mercury. During the extended lag period, however, bacteria accommodated to the stress and the viable count and glucose turnover rate increased. After the lag period, bacteria began to proliferate and their growth reached similar level to that of control. In crude extracts of N14 strain grown in nutrient browth containing.
낙동강에서의 수은 내성세균이 본포를 조사한 결과