옥천 장석의 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Character of Okchun Feldspar

  • 발행 : 1990.02.01


Before benefication of Okchun feldspar, all kinds of Fe-compounds and mafic minerals which were included in feldspar were studied. Also to produce 30/140mesh products as glass materials, optimum grinding condition and degree of liberation were studied. Fe-compounds were Biotite and Limonite, and these were existed along the cleavage. Optimum grinding time was 2min. and at this time weight percent of 30/140mesh products was 72.7% and degree of liberation at this particle size was 91.5%.



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  2. 非金屬鑛物の選鑛法 富田堅二
  3. 연세논총 제8집 해번사로부터 석영 및 장석의 연구에 관하여 으재현
  4. 광산학회지 v.9 花崗岩으로부터 石英 및 長石의 회수에 관한 硏究 吳在賢;鄭彰燮;柳澤秀
  5. 대한광산학회지 v.11 風化花崗岩의 選鑛에 關한 硏究 申芳燮;權肅汶
  6. 日本鑛業會誌 風化花崗岩の 選鑛について 富田堅二
  7. 日本鑛業會誌 v.80 浮選における石英と長石の分離機構について 下飯坂潤三;永井亮一;平安雄;山畸太郞
  8. 浮選硏究會 第61回例會 浮選による石英と長石の分離について 下飯坂潤三
  9. Optical Mineralogy(4th) Panl F. Kerr