Applied Chemistry for Engineering (공업화학)
- Volume 1 Issue 1
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- Pages.44-51
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- 1990
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- 1225-0112(pISSN)
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- 2288-4505(eISSN)
A study on the oxidation characteristics of phenol on Pt anode
백금전극을 이용한 페놀의 산화특성에 관한 연구
- Kim, Hong-Soo (Department of Industrial Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) ;
- Nam, Jeong-Woo ;
Nam, Ki-Dae
(Department of Industrial Chemistry, Chungbuk National University)
- Received : 1990.08.23
- Published : 1990.10.31
The electrochemical oxidation behavior of phenol on platinum anode had been investigated by cyclic voltammetric method. The initial oxidation potential of phenol was dependent on the pH in acid solution. But in basic solution, it was held 033-0.40V(vs. S.C.E.). The peak current was proportional to the concentration of phenol and the optimum concentration was found to be about 0.1N. The oxidation reaction of phenol was found to be irreversible and controlled by diffusion.
백금전극에 의한 페놀의 전기화학적 산화거동을 순환 전류전압법에 의하여 연구 검토하였다. 페놀의 초기산화전위는 산성용액에서는 전해질용액의 액성에 크게 영향을 받으나, 염기성용액에서는 0.33-0.40V범위로 거의 일정한 산화전위를 나타내었고, 페놀의 농도변화에 따른 전기화학적 산화의 최적농도는 0.IN부근에서 가장 유리하였다. 그리고 주사속도변화에 따른 조사에서 페놀 산화반응은 비가역적이고 확산이 이 반응을 지배한다.