Potential Pests of Ginseng in Scarabaeids

풍뎅이류에 있어서의 인삼의 잠재 해충

  • Published : 1991.12.01


Densities and larval food habits of Holotrichia titanis belonging to Melolonthinae, and of Anomala corpulenta and A. mfocuprea belonging to Rutelinae, collected from surroundings of ginseng fields, were investigated to determine potentia]s as ginseng pests in scarabaeids. H. titanis had similar food habit to the ginseng pests, H. morosa and H. diomphalia, although the density of H. titanis was relatively low during the period of survey, which indicates that the scarabaeid may have potentials to be a major pest with build-up or the population in the fields. However, A. corpulenta and A. rufacuprea with higher populations than H. morose and H. dicmphalia had no or low potency as ginseng pests since they had little preference to ginseng roots or did not feed on these. The latter two species in Rutelinae showed different food habits in relation to dead organic matter.
