A Case Study on Temporomandibular Dysfuncton, Pain and Bruxism

하악관절 동통, 기능장애 및 이갈이의 치 - 정신과적 분석연구

  • Published : 1991.06.01


This study was intended to review comprehensively the articles related to temporomandibular joint disorder patients and to analyze psychoanalytically the case with temporomandibular dysfunction and bruxism as a symptom of hysterical conversion disorder. As a result, the author found that , in the aspect of psychoanalysis, the temporomandibular problem and bruxism was a kind of symptom of emotional conflict being converted to the face. I would like to emphasize that the referral process and the ability to work as a therapeutic team including dentist and psychiatrist can enhance the probability of successful treatment for several types of patients.
