Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 18
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- Pages.91-138
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- 1991
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
하이퍼텍스트 정보검색에 관한 연구
The paper describes the application areas of the hypertext and the relevance of hypertext principles to the information retrieval system. As to the techniques of the hypertext information retrieval the various navigation method including a guided tour, a history list, a browser, a book-mark, etc. are discussed. The query system is considered as the other technique to be integrated into the hypertext system for the enhancement of the interactive function of the information retrieval. Based on the theoretical background, a conceptual model of hypertext information retrieval system was constructed using GUIDE which was developed by P.J. Brown of Kent University. 16 bibliographic records from LISA of 1991(June) were used for the illustration of the basic operation of the system. Though the study could not reach the implementation level due to the absolute constraints of the time and experimental environments, further efforts will continue to develop a prototype system of a hypertext information retrieval. A few conclusions can be derived from the study : (1) The integration of the hypertext into the information retrieval system can be justified by permitting the end-users to have much stronger and more flexible interaction with the system. (2) The more the degree of the sofistication of the existing information retrieval system is the more the possibility of the development of an effective and user-oriented information retrieval system will be greater by integrating guide as a front end system to the underlying software. (3) The deep knowledge about the functions of information retrieval which can be enhanced by the hypertext could be acquired by the information retrieval specialists.