Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 18
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- Pages.139-192
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- 1991
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
도서분류자동화를 위한 지식베이스의 설계에 관한 연구
Though the computer has become deeply entrenched as the major tool in information processing(library works), it may be obvious that automatic book classification techniques ate still under experimentation, and the techniques have not yet been tested against the criterion of usefulness. The purpose of this study is to design of knowledge base for automatic book classification which can be put to use in library operation, and to present a methodology of application of the automatic classification into the library. Since the enumerative classification schemes which are existing are manual systems, it cannot be applied to the automatic classification, the principle of faceted classification based on concept analysis is brought in and studied. The result of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The design of knowledge base confined the field of agriculture and medicine. 2. If title is entered by the computer keyboard it will be searched in knowledge base, and then be classified by the principle of automatic classification. 3. Program flowcharts are designed as a bases of classification procedures for automatic subject recognition and classification. 4. 283 books in agriculture, 196 books in medicine were drawn at random from Taegu University Library and Young-Nal Medical Center Library respectively. 5. The experiment of automatic classification is performed 143 books in agriculture 166 books in medicine except for other subject books. 6. It was proved that automatic book classification is possible by design of knowledge base. In addition the expected values from design of knowledge base for automatic book classification are as follows : 1. The prompt and accurate process of classification is possible. 2. Though some title is classified in any library, it can be classified the some classification number by a program. 3. The user can retrieve the classification codes of books for which he or she wants to search through the computer. 4. Since the concept coordination method is employed the representing of a multisubject concept is make simple. 5. By performing automatic book classification the automation of total system can be achieved. 6. The efficient international information transfer will be advanced since all the institution maintain unified classification number.