질병예방 및 건강증진 종합 대책

Comprehensive Measures for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

  • 발행 : 1991.08.01


While the threat from traditional communicable diseases have been decreasing non communicable chronic diseases are increasing due to the aging of population and change in life pattern of the people such as over intake of cholesterol and lack of physical exercise etc. On the other hand, since 1980s, AIDS is spreading rapidly throughout the globe and environmental pollution, accidents, addictive diseases such as drug abuse and alcoholism are becoming serious factors to hinder the health promotion of the people. In order to improve general public health and promote individual health status, existing program for communicable disease control by the government such as tuberculosis, leprosy, STD and acute communicable diseases should be effectively continued. In principle, effort should be placed on eradication of source of infection, reduction of communicability of source in infection, treatment of source of infection as well as increase of individual registance to the diseases through immunization and improvement of physical status. Since the pattern of illness is being shifted from communicable diseases to non communicable chronic diseases such as cancer, cerebral hemorrhage, heart disease and hypertention etc., special emphasis should be placed on the prevention and control of those adult diseases. Early detection of the patients, registration and treatment of patients and health education should be systematically developed for effective control of the diseases. In addition, program activities on MCH, nutrition, dentistry, mental health, environmental health, accident prevention. medical delivery system, health insurance. and all other health issues should be improved in order to achieve our goal of health promotion.
