노인성치매(老人性痴呆)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

The bibliographical study on the senile dementia

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah (Dept. of Internal medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Jeong, Ji-Cheon (Dept. of Internal medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Lee, Won-Chel (Dept. of Internal medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.31


The study has been carried out to investigate of the senile dementia by referring to 35 literratures. The results were as follows ; 1. In oriental medical science, senile dementia is belong to the category of dullness(매病), insanity(癲狂證), weak(虛勞), amnesia(健忘), etc. 2. The cause of senile dementia summarize the phlegm preventid-heart hole(痰迷心竅), marrow lack(髓海不足), aged follow weaking of body and disfunction of the internal organs(年老體弱과 臟腑機能 失調), the bad blood with vatal block(氣滯血瘀), feeling inharmony, etc in the view of oriental medical science and make the vanishment of the cerebral atrophy and the cerebral cell but havn't indicated the remarkable cause in that of western medical science. The diseases with cause make a point of Alzheimer's dementia, frequent infarction dementia, etc and psychological and environmental factor too. The marrow lack is related to Alzheimer's dementia, the feeling inharmony, psychologic and environmental factor, the phlegm prevented-heart hole and bad blood with vatal block, frequent infarction dementia. 3. The senile dementia is related cleary to the function of the internal organs in oriental medical sciences respect Especially in relation to kidney and marrow, it is presented new cause view to solve the cure problem of western medical science is studying its cause only the anatomic pathology with cerebrum and is thinking to solve cure possibility. 4. The symptom of senile dementia is as follows. The obstacle of a aspect of the Language, Emotion, Behavior. mute, speech inversion, sometimes a laugh sometimes a cry, behavior strange, failure of memory etc. 5. The treatment of senile dementia is follows. The methodes of cure apply phlegm changed-mud(豁痰化濁), self-kidney and added marrow(補腎益髓), self-energy and nutritive blood(益氣補血), vital blood(祛瘀活血), peace of mind and relief(安神情志). The medicines of cure make the most of (sesimtang, jwagui-hwan, tonggwuhwalhuel tang) add and subtract, daeboweonjeon, guibitang, and so on.



  1. 東醫腎系學 杜鎬京
  2. 최신임상정신의학 이근후
  3. 精神醫學 李定均
  4. 原本東醫寶鑑 許浚
  5. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(編)
  6. 동의정신의학 황의완(等)
  7. 대한한의학회지 v.13 no.2 노인성치매에 관한 체질의학적 연구 裵旿星
  8. 월간 진단과 치료 v.6 no.11 지능장애의 진단과 치료 이상복
  9. 월간 진단과 치료 v.12 no.10 중추신경계 감염의 후유증으로 인한 치매 이우균(외)
  10. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.4 no.2 內經에 나타난 腦의 考察 李源哲(等)
  11. 金궤要略淺述 譚日强(編)
  12. 證治要訣(醫部全錄 第7冊) 戴思恭
  13. 老年保健輿長壽指南 徐東白(等)
  14. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  15. 濟生方(醫部全錄, 第7冊) 嚴用和
  16. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  17. 國譯編註醫學入門 v.4 李정
  18. 老年健康願問 李暉(等)
  19. 醫林改錯 王淸任
  20. 中醫老年病學 袁立人(外)
  21. 老年保健指導從書 魏太星(外)
  22. 景岳全書 張介賓
  23. 老年病防治手冊 張達榮(外)
  24. 心-腦-神志病辨證論治 張明准(等)
  25. 辨證奇門全書 錢鏡湖
  26. 老年病問答 周冠虹
  27. 丹溪心法 朱震亨
  28. 石實秘錄 陳士驛
  29. 百病辨證錄 陳士鐸
  30. 老年病證治精要 何?(等)
  31. 實用中醫內科學 黃大東(等)
  32. 山東中醫雜誌 v.第5期 老年性病保病機和治則探討 施赤農
  33. 新中醫 v.第1期 老年性치매 臨床經驗 姚培發
  34. 新中醫 v.第2期 老年病保的辨證論治 傳陸(等)
  35. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.第8期 60例 老年性病保的 臨床硏究 周康