외상성 횡격막 손상

Traumatic Injury of Diaphragm

  • 발행 : 1992.10.01


13 cases of traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures were treated at the department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in Lee-Rha general hospital, Cheong-Ju, Choong Cheong Buk Do, between Oct. 1989 and Feb. 1992. The above 13 cases were reviewed in this study. And the following results were obtained. 1. Sex ratio is 11: 2 with male dominance 2. The 9 cases were due to blunt trauma and other 4 cases were due to penetrating injury. 3. Right side injury was more common than left[7: 5] and there was 1 case of central type which ruptured through subepicardial diaphragm. 4. All of the cases had association injury. 5. Preoperative diagnosis was possible in the 9 cases and others were diagnosed during operation under other indication. 6. Finger exploration was one of effective diagnostic procedure. 7. All of diaphragmatic ruptures was corrected through thoracotomy and exploratory laparotomy was done in 6 cases. 8. A patient died after operation due to associated injuries.
