미생물학회지 (Korean Journal of Microbiology)
- 제30권1호
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- Pages.15-29
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- 1992
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- 0440-2413(pISSN)
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- 2383-9902(eISSN)
국내 연근해 및 환자로부터 분리된 vibrio vulnificus의 세균학적 특징
국내 연안의 어패류, 해구 및 환자 등으로부터 Vibrio vulnificus를 분리동정하여 생화학적 성상, 생장조건, 혈천형, 약제 감수성 시험 등 세균학적 특성을 밝혔다. V. vulnificus 균의 생화학적 성상은 유당을 발효(95%)하고 서당은 발효 (4%)않은 균주가 대부분이었으며, ornithine 발효능, gelatine 액화능, mannitol 분해능 등이 다른 연구자들과 동일한 결롸를 나타내지 않았다. 따라서 이들 성상이 V. vulnivicus 동정에 그리 유용하지 않다. o 혈청형은 자연계 분리균주의 경우 o2 혈청형이 제일 많았고 (24%) 환자 분리균주의 경우 04 균(42%)이 제일 많았다. V. vulnificus 의 최적 생상조건은 염농도는 306%였고, 온도는 25-35.deg.C, pH는 8로 나타났다. V. vulnificus균은 chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, ampicilin 에 높은 감수성을 지니고 있었고 gentamycin 에 대하여는 내성을 가진 것으로 나타났으며, 자연계 분리균주가 환자 분리균주보다 이들 항생제에 더 높은 감수성을 지니고 있었다. chelating agent EDTA가 V. vulnificus에 대하여 생장억제효과가 있음이 밝혀졌으나 치사적으로 작용치는 않았다.
Vibrio vuln$cus has been recognized as a pathogen of septicemia and wound infection, when the organism attacks high-risk persons with a history of hepatic disease. alcohol abuse. diabetes or any debilitative disease. Forty six strains of K vulnzjicus. isolated from 1025 marine specimens from May to Novemver for three years. from 1985 to 1987. were studied for their biochemical properties. growth requirements, serotype and drug susceptibilities. The isolates were different in their various biochemical reactions. Ninety-five percent of isolated strains were able to ferment lactose, while most strains didn't utilize sucrose in their biochemical test, for example ornithine, gelatin and mannitol were quite dit'ferent composition than those described in other reports. It was found that the biochemical test wasn't useful for identifying strain. The type of somatic 0 antiserum was determined in isolates from marine sources and in patients with Vibrio septicemia. In patient isolates. 1-2 group were 24% and 1-4 group were 42%. However. 02 group(33%) were more abundant in isolates from marine sources. Minimal inhibitory concentrations(M1Cs) of chloramphenicol, tetracycline. erythromycin and ampicillin were determinef for V vuln~ficus by broth dilution method. MIC90 was I , 0.25, :! and 4,ug/ml in patient isolates. 1, 0.25, 2 and 2 ,ug/ml in marine isolates. The divalent chelating agent, IDTA. inhibited the growth of V. vuln!'ficus at 6.25 mMlml of MIC90.