새로운 2단계 확률화응답모형

A new two-state randomized response model

  • 발행 : 1992.09.01


본 논문에서는 조사에 있어서 응답자들의 신분이나 비밀을 더 보장해 줌으로써 더욱 정확한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 새로운 2단계 확률화응답모형을 제안한다. 제안한 모형이 Warner 모형, Liu-Chow의 반복시행모형, Mangat-Singh 모형에 비하여 효율성이 있음을 보였다.

This paper presents a new two-stage randomized response model to protect greater privacy of respondents for the sensitive characters. The conditions when the proposed model will be more efficient than Warner model, Liu-Chow's multiple trial model and Mangat-Singh model have been obtained for the case when the respondents are truthful in their answer, and the efficiency of the proposed model is also compared with Warner model, Liu-Chow's multiple trial model and Mangat-Singh model.
