가족생활 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구(II)-부부교육을 중심으로-

A Study on The Family Life Education(II) -special Reference to marital life education-

  • 오윤자 (경희대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


The purpose of this study is to develop Family Life Education program for Marital education in Korea. In order to realize the about research purpose, this study is divided into three sections. First, nature conception and contents f Family Life Education, second, patterns and models for Family Life Education Program in USA and Korea, and Third, the future of Family Life Education. Family Life Education (FLE) is an education originated in reaction to changing social conditions, industrialization and urbanization, it deals with the perceived inadequacies of families to cope with these changes, thereby reduction social problems involved with, and improving family life. With and assumption that the studies about FLE have not been so active in Korea, the present thesis examines the FLE in Korea. The necessity of marital education in Korea Is based upon the theories of FLE in the United States of America. Also, it atempts to formulate a tentative plan for the promotion of a FLE program in Korea. The concept of FLE in Korea was manifested in the social educational law and life-span education. specified as 4th among ten presidential regulations. It is defined as " the Life-span developmental education to enhance the quality of human life, to solve family problems, to develop an individual's potentiality and to strengthen the family relations. of the FLE programs, the marital education is considered one of the furcial wubjects becaused it is the core of the family life. With this premise, FLE tries to wupport the healthy mrital relations. subsequently helping to explore the family potentiality and to strengthen family ties. The objects of the FLE program are unmarried, pre-marred , and married persons. For the married persons, the FLE program should be arranged in accordance with their rrital status divided by the family life cycle so that they may prevent possible family problems at each stage of the family life. Also, to prevent the problems occurred in the course of carrying out family functions, the FLE program should be provided with on the basis of a family unit, thereby improving the quality of the family functions. The FLE is to hep persons begin smoothly the adaption process for a successful marital relations. For the FLE to be practised more widely systematically, research on family education--that is basic study, research and production and evaluation or the FLE to be carried out by research institute wholly responsible for it-- should be done first.
