회귀(回歸)에서 결합영향력(結合影響力)를 위(爲)한 예측잔차(豫測殘差)제곱합(合)의 특성(特性)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)

Characterization of Predicted Residual Sum of Squares for Detecting Joint Influence in Regression

  • Oh, Kwang-Sik (Department of Statistics, Hyosung Women's University)
  • 발행 : 1992.06.25


In regression diagnostics, a number of joint influence measures based on various statistical tools have been discussed. We consider an alternate representation in terms of the predicted residual and g-leverage determined by the remaining points. By this approach, we choose the predicted residual sum of squares for the keypoints as joint influence measure and propose a new expression of it so that we can extend the single case form to the multiple case one. Furthermore we suggest a seach method for joint influence after investigating some properties of the new expression.
