The Korean Journal of Mycology (한국균학회지)
- Volume 21 Issue 2
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- Pages.94-105
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- 1993
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- 0253-651X(pISSN)
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- 2383-5249(eISSN)
Studies on Distribution and Utilization of Cordyceps militaris and C. nutans
동충하초속균의 분포 및 Cordyceps militaris와 C. nutans의 이용에 관한 연구
- Sung, Jae-Mo (Department of Agricultural Biology, Kangweon National University) ;
- Kim, Chun-Hwan (Department of Agricultural Biology, Kangweon National University) ;
- Yang, Kun-Joo (Department of Agricultural Biology, Kangweon National University) ;
- Lee, Hyun-Kyung (Department of Agricultural Biology, Kangweon National University) ;
- Kim, Yang-Sup (Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, RDA)
- 성재모 (강원대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
- 김천환 (강원대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
- 양근주 (강원대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
- 이현경 (강원대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
- 김양섭 (농업유전공학연구소)
- Published : 1993.06.30
The genus Cordyceps known as an insect parasite forms a sclerotium in insect bodies and then produces perithecia on the single or multiple stromata produced from sclerotium. Collected Cordyceps were identified into 5 species: Cordyceps militaris, C. nutans, Cordyceps sphecocephala, Isaria japonica, and Torrubiella sp. The fruit bodies of Cordyceps in petri-dish cover were fixed by tape and put the lid on water agar plates to isolate these collected Cordyceps. The germinated spores were transferred from water agar to Potato dextrose agar(PDA) after six hours. Mycelial growth of C. nutans and C. militaris was the most successful on Hamada media and was also good on Complete media and PDA. Mannose as a carbon source was good for two species and Glutamic acid as a nitrogen source was satisfactory to C. militaris and Asparagine gave a good result to C. nutans. C. militaris and C. nutans showed similar mycelial growth rate on the media that contained thiamine-HCI, biotine or nicotinic acid as a vitamine. When conidia of C. nutans were inoculated to insects, mortality was high in Artogeia napi L, Hemiptera, Plutella xylostella and 50% in Orthoptera, 12% in Acantholyda posticalise M, but not Agelastica coerulea B. in Aphididae, C. nutans was collected from only Hemiptera in nature, but killing effect on other insects was proved. Mycelial growth and fruit-body formation were good on the media that consist of rice powder 5g, wheat flour 5g, water 100ml, but formed fruit-body was not complete stromata but a mass of conidia according to results of observing microscope.
동충하초속균은 곤충기생균으로 충체내에 균핵을 형성하며 단일 또는 총생의 stroma에 자낭각을 형성하는 균이다. 채집된 동충하초균은 Cordyceps militaris, C. nutans, C. sphecocephala, Isaria japonica와 Torrubiella sp. 등 5종이었다. 채집된 동충하초의 분리를 위하여 동충하초의 자실체를 샤레 뚜껑에 tape로 고정시킨 후 water agar가 들은 샤레에 짝을 맞추어 놓으면 자낭포자가 떨어지며 3시간 후 발아한 포자를 PDA에 이식하여 분리하였다. C. nutans와 C. militaris의 균사생장이 가장 우수한 배지는 Hamada media이며 complete media와 감자한천배지에서도 균사생장이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 탄소원으로는 Mannose와 C. militaris와 C. nutans가 균사생장이 양호하였고 질소원으로는 glutamic acid에서 C. militaris가 asparagine에서는 C. nutans가 균사생장이 양호하였다. Vitamine은 Thiamine-HCI, Biotine, Nicotinic acid 모두 C. militaris와 C. nutans의 균사생장에 비슷하였다. C. nutans의 분생포자를 접종하였을 때 배추흰나비 유충, 노린재, 멸강나방, 배추좀나방은 살충력이 높았고, 메뚜기는 50%, 잣나무넓적잎벌은 12%의 살충력이 있으나 진딧물과 오리나무잎벌에서는 살충력이 없었다. C. nutans는 노린재에서만 채집되나 다른 곤충에도 살충효과가 인정되었다. 쌀가루 5g, 밀가루 5g에 물을 100ml을 넣고 배양한 것이 균사생장과 자실체 형성은 잘 되었으나 형성된 자실체는 완전한 동충하초가 아니고 분생포자의 덩어리라는 것이 현미경에 의해 관찰되었다.
- Cordyceps militaris;
- C. nutans;
- Cordyceps sphecocephala;
- Isaria japonica;
- Torrubiella sp. Hamada media;
- Mannose;
- Glutamic acid;
- Asparagine;
- Thiamine-HCI;
- Biotine;
- Nicotinic acid;
- Artogeia napi L;
- Hemiptera;
- Plutella xylostella;
- Acantholyda posticalise M