유산균 발효유의 장기 섭취가 미취학 아동의 구강 생태에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Influence of Long-Term Intake of Fermented Milk on Oral Ecology in Preschool Children

  • Sung-Woo Lee (Dept. of Oral Medicine & Diagnosis, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


As fermented milk has been regarded as health food, the consumption of fermented milk has been increasing significantly these days. But there is not sufficient information on the effect of fermented milk on oral health. We have investigated the effect of long-term intake of t\fermented milk on saliva in preschool children, Sixty-four healthy, unmedicated preschool children were included in this study and were divided into control, fermented milk, and milk groups. The experimental period was 210days. We investigated the number of slaivary S. mutans, lactobacilli, and Candida, salivary pH, viscosity, and the concentration of salivary IgA at the beginning of the experiment. We examined these parameters at 10, 60, 110, 160, and 210 days after. The obtained results were as follows : 1. There were increases in the numbers of slaivary S. mutans in all groups through the experimental period. But, there was no consistent and significant difference among groups. 2. There was no significant change in the number of salivary lactobacilli in the fermented milk group throughout the experimental period. 3. The numbers of salivary Candida in the fermented milk and milk groups showed less fluctuation than that of the control group through the experimental period. 4. There was no decrease of salivary pH in all groups through the experimental period. 5. There were increases in the values of salivary viscosity in all groups. But, there was no consistent and significant difference among groups. 6. There were no consistent and significant difference in the concentration of salivary IgA in all groups through the experimental period. 7. There were increases of dmfs rate in all groups. But, there were no significant difference within each groups.
