Experimental infection of Paragonimus westermani in mice and rats

  • Fan, Ping-Chin (Department of Parasitology, National Yangming Medical College and Parasitology Laboratory) ;
  • Lu, Huan (Department of Medical Research, Veterans General Hospital) ;
  • Lin, Ling-Hui (Department of Medical Research, Veterans General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


To determine the infectivlty and maturity of nletacercanae of Parqgonimur westermani after keeping at low temperature for a long period, 45 mice and 45 rats were each infected with 20 metacercariae which were kept at $4^{\circ}C$ for 8 to 234 days. The worm recovery in mice increased with age of worm and reached a peak of 32% at 41-50 days and then decreased with age. The rate In rats first decreased to a lowest point of 6% at 71-100 days and then Increased with age. In 42 infected mice and 41 infected rats, 187 immature worms (183 tiny and 4 Juvenile ones) and 190 worms (164 tiny, 19 Juvenile and 7 mature ones) were recovered respectively. Two wormcysts with eggs only and 8 empty wormcysts were also found In the rats. In addition, the frozen metacercanae can still develop to mature worms in SD rats.
