Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 20
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- Pages.241-284
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- 1993
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Restoration of the register of houses, inhabitants and their ancestry in the late Koryo period which is in the Sunsung Kim family registers
선성김씨족보 소재 고려말 장적의 복원
Through the restoration, we can find that the register of houses, inhabitants and their ancestry, which is in the Sunsung Kim family registers, was fundamentally the census register of Kim Roe including more ancestry transformed into the lists of house, inhabitants and their ancestry of Kim Roe, Kim Bang-Seek, Kim Sung-Sae and Kim Hee-Bo. And we can find also the original forms were considerably damaged. That is, in the course of transformation, considerable parts of the contents of ancestry were not needed, so they were removed, the recordings of brotherandsisters, sons and their servants were also removed. By comparing of the restored census register of Kim Roe and the Sunsung Kim family registers, we can know the fact that when they published the family registers, the contents of the founder to the ninth descendants were totally depended on the census register of Kim Roe. The Census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty(National Treasure No. 131) which has been recorded almost same periods as the census register of Kim Roe was remained as an original state. Therefore, it was greatly helpful for restoring the census register of Kim Roe. There were few materials which we can know the way of ordinary life in Koryo period. But through the census register of Kim Roe and the census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty, we have a glimpse of their life history. Nevertheless we can find some demerits in the census register of Kim Roe as followers : First, it is not an original but a transformed one, while the Census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty is first materials. Second, it was recorded the only one family. Finally, it was omitted the parts of his brotherandsisters, children and servants who lived with their master. According to these demerits its worth of materials for history will be descended more or less. Therefore, when we use this material, we should treat it more considerably.