수관부를 제거한 이태리 포플러에서 유관속 형성층과 그 유도조직의 비교해부

Comparative Anatomy of Vascular Cambium and Its Derivative Tissues in Decapitated Populus euramericana

  • 한경식 (전주우석대학교 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


The size variation of the cambial initials and their derivatives, in relation to the increase of girth, in the intact and decapitated stem of Populus euramericana was anatomically studied. In the typical nonstoried cambium of P. euramericana, the cell size of fusiform initials, vessel member, and sieve tube member were gradually increased and thus it reached a maximal state. In the intact plants, the size of the cambial initials and their derivatives was larger then in the decapitated ones. On the other hand, the frequency of anticlinal division of the cambial cells, the rate of the elongation and loss of the daughter initials in the intact plants was higher than in the decapitated ones. The cambium of the intact plants had higher ray compared with that of the decapitated ones. It was interpreted that these results were caused by the decapitation, which could block the supply of certain substances for cell growth such as hormones and metabolites.
