The Practice of Accounting Information Systems in Korea : The State of Art

우리나라 회계정보시스템의 현황 및 개선방안

  • 한인구 (한국과학기술원 서울분원 경영정보공학과) ;
  • 전영승 (상지대학교 경상대학 회계학과) ;
  • 김은홍 (국민대학교 경상대학 정보관리학과)
  • Published : 1993.12.31


This study surveys 212 accounting information systems (AIS) of 85 manufacturing firms by using the research model based on the management process of AIS to figure out the current status and problems of the computing environment and AIS of Korean firms. The analysis of the current status leads to the suggestions to promote the utilization and efficiency of AIS. The level of experiences and education of information system (IS) personnel turns out to be still low. More education is needed to upgrade the IS personnel. AIS users lack in the computer knowledge. The users need more computer education. The analysis on the computerization and information characteristics of the AIS subsystems shows that the computerization is well established in the financial accounting area. On the other hand, the computerization for managerial accounting areas is in its early stage. The managerial accounting systems need be developed to support the managerial decision making effectively. The majority of firms develop the AIS by their own IS teams. When firms use the consulting services in developing AIS, they prefer accounting firms. The majority of firms fail to evaluate the AIS because the evaluation tools are not available. Most firms do not perform the auditing for AIS. It is needed to develop the tool and techniques for evalauation and auditing AIS.
