A Survey of Current Status on the Science Education of the Special Classroom(School) managed by Firm

산업체(産業體) 부설(附設) 특별학급(特別學級) (학교(學校))의 과학교육(科學敎育) 실태(實態) 조사(調査)

  • 정원우 (경북대학교 과학교육연구소) ;
  • 여새동 (경북대학교 과학교육연구소) ;
  • 박종환 (경북대학교 과학교육연구소) ;
  • 김은경 (경북대학교 과학교육연구소)
  • Published : 1993.08.30


This study was accomplished to survey of current situation and management of science education in the special classroom(school) managed by firm. The status of management and the evalution of the scientific inquiry ability were taken on workers attending 17 Special Classes and 9 Special Schools located in Taegu City and Kyungpuk Province. As a responses, most students chose the subject "Science"as an option within their limited 8 units credits. About 88.5% of the students were female. About 78.3% of the classes/schools were conducted in the evening only. About 59.4% of teaching staffs were prevailed with female in these classes, and most of them were young, naive, and unexperienced with their major in chemistry and physics. Insufficient facilities and equipments, crowded classes, understaffed instructors, and inappropriated text materials. etc., were reasons for the students not receiving maximum benefit from these classes and schools. In order to evaluate of scientific inquiry ability, 25 items were constructed and administered to 250 students. The processes of scientific inquiry were classified into 5 categories(category I : establishing a subjects, category II : planning a experiments, category III : conducting a experiments. category IV : interpreting a result of experiments, category V : formulating generalization). As the result obtained from the achivement test analysis, the scores for all the students were significantly low, and the scores for girls were higher than those for boys. The results of test in the selected students showed that inquiry abilities in the category I, II and V were higher than those in category III and IV.
