Applied Chemistry for Engineering (공업화학)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.423-431
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- 1993
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- 1225-0112(pISSN)
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- 2288-4505(eISSN)
The Flow Properties and Stability of O/W Emulsion Composed of Various Mixed Nonionic Surfactants(II) The Phase Behavior and Flow Properties of O/W Emulsion According to the Addition of the Long Chain Alcohols
혼합 비이온계면활성제의 조성에 따른 O/W 에멀젼의 유동특성 및 안정성(II) 고급 알코올의 첨가에 따른 O/W 에멀젼의 상거동 및 유동특성
- Lee, Ho-Sik (Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, College of Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
- Kim, Jum-Sik (Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, College of Engineering, Hanyang University)
- Received : 1993.04.12
- Accepted : 1993.05.06
- Published : 1993.05.01
Long chain alcohols, the mixtures of 1-hexadecanol/1-octadecanol, were used as cosurfactants for O/W emulsion prepared with glycerol monostearate/POE(100) monostearate mixed nonionic surfactants, and the phase behavior and flow properties of O/W emulsions were observed. The transition temperature of long chain alcohol was varied with the composition of 1-hexadecanol/1-octadecanol and had the lowest value when the mixed ratio of 1-hexadecanol/1-octadecanol was 2/1. The liquid crystalline phase was formed as the addition of long chain alcohol and the secondry droplet, the flocculate of the emulsion particles, was made, and thus the viscosity of the emulsion was increased. When the temperature of emulsion system was under the transition temperature of long chain alcohol, the mobility of hydrocarbon group of long chain alcohol was restricted, and thus gel structure was formed and the viscosity of the the O/W emulsion was increased, but along with the time, the liquid crystalline phase was disappeared and the viscosity of emulsion was decreased. Long chain alcohol/nonionic surfactants/water formed the liquid crystalline phase when the long chain alcohol was added above the saturation point of solution(2 wt% in this experoment), and the secondry droplet didn't formed when the long chain alcohol was added more than a certain amount (10 wt% in this experiment).
Glycerol monostearate/POE(100) monostearate 혼합비이온계면활성제를 유화제로 사용한 O/W 에멀젼에 고급알코올인 1-hexadecanol/1-octadecanol 혼합물을 보조유화제로 첨가하여, 상거동 및 유동특성을 관찰하였다. 고급알코올의 결정구조가 변화하는 전이점은 1-hexadecanol/1-octadecanol의 조성에 따라 서로 다른 값을 가지며, 2/1의 비율에서 최저값을 나타내었다. 고급알코올의 첨가에 따라 에멀젼 내에는 액정이 형성되며, 이들로 인하여 에멀젼 입자간 응집체인 2차 입자가 형성되어 에멀젼의 점성도가 증가하였다. 에멀젼계의 온도가 고급알코올의 전이점 이하로 저하되면, 고급알코올의 지방족 사슬의 운동성이 제한된 겔구조가 형성되어 점성도가 증가하였으나 시간이 경과함에 따라 액정이 사라지고 에멀젼의 점성도도 저하되었다. 용액 내의 분산되는 양(본 실험에서는 2wt%) 이상의 고급알코올을 첨가해야 에멀젼 내에서 고급 알코올/계면활성제/물이 액정을 형성하였으며, 과량(본 실험에서는 10wt%)의 고급알코올을 사용하면 2차입자가 형성되지 않았다.