Supported by : 한국과학재단
2, 4-Heptadione(abbreviated to 24HTD) was synthesized from methylpropyl ketone and ethyl acetate with sodium amide, and the equilibrium and the kinetic characteristics of copper extraction by 24HTD-chloroform were investigated. Equilibrium constants such as the dissociation constant and the distribution coefficient of 24HTD and the stability constant of the 24HTD-Cu chelate were evaluated from the spectrophotometry, and the overall equilibrium constant of the extraction was also determined. The extracted species of the 24HTD-Cu chelate was found to be
sodium amide에 의한 methylpropyl ketone과 ethyl acetate의 반응으로 2, 4-heptadione(이하 24HTD)을 합성하고, 클로로포름 용매하에 Cu(II)의 용매추출 실험으로부터 추출평형 및 추출속도 특성을 고찰하였다. 흡광도와 Cu(II)의 농도변화 측정으로부터 24HTD의 분배계수와 해리정수, 24HTD와 Cu 착화합물의 안정도 상수, 분배계수 및 총괄추출 평형정수 등을 구하고 추출기구를 구명하였다. 24HTD에 의한 Cu(II)의 추출 화학종은 1:2의 형태인
Supported by : 한국과학재단