12-Arm Radial Maze를 이용한 쥐의 공간 인지능력에 미치는 홍삼 PT계 사포닌의 효과

Effect of Red Ginseng Triol Saponin Fractions on the Spatial 1 Memory Function Studied with 12-Arm Radial Maze

  • 박진규 (한국인삼연초연구원) ;
  • 남기열 (한국인삼연초연구원, 모스크바대 생리학교실)
  • 발행 : 1994.04.01


Male rats aged 15 months, which had been over-trained with 12 arm radial maze up to the criterion of 1 or 2 errors an average per trial, were divided into two groups and 7 months after the over-training and were studied the effect of red ginseng trial saponin fraction (PT) on the spatial memory function. The rats which could be improved the performance of 9.75$\pm$1.26 (within 185$\pm$8.2 1 sec) were classified into "normal group" (n=4) and the ones, which showed R-maze performance of 7.0$\pm$2.87 within 300 sec, "deteriorated memory group" (n=5). PT was dissolved in distilled water and injected into the deteriorated memory group intraperitoneally at 30 min before R-maze for 3 consecutive days. The injected amount of PT on the 1st day was 10mg/rat, 1mg/rat both on the 2nd the 3rd day. As results, the performance was restored to 9.4$\pm$2.0 after stopping ginseng administration, although the lower performance values (1.4$\pm$0.89, 2.8$\pm$0.83, 3.8$\pm$0.84, respectively) were exerted during the three days of PT administration than before PT administration (7.0$\pm$2.87) since 1 day after administratitan of PT. The restored performance values were continuously maintained up to the level of the "normal group". However, any lower performance values were not observed when PT was administered via intraperitoneal route to the normal group in about of 2 mg/rat except 10mg1ra1. The number of errors when the foods in arms were put at only 6 places was clearly reduced during the 9 days of consecutive administration of PT as compared with untreated control. These results indicated that PT administration may enhance their cognitive function after a long lapse of time not only in the memory deteriorated rats but also in normal ones. The reason exerted lower performance values during PT administration in this paper was discussed as compared with the results of T-maze behavior of another 3-month-aged rats. of another 3-month-aged rats.
