두개하악장애와 두부전방자세와의 관계

Relationship between Forward Head Posture and Craniomandibular Disorders

  • Kyung-Soo Han (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


This study was performed to investigate the relationship between Forward Head Posture(FHP) and Craniomandlbular Disorders(CMDs). Many studies reported that there was some relationship between them, however, there is still controversy. So It Is necessary to observe and compare many more patients with CMDs wirh normal controls. For the study 85 patients with CMDs and 37 dental students were selected as experimentals and controls, respectively. And the experimentals were classified Into two groups, that is, TMJ internal derangement group and muscle disorders group according to clinical diagnosis. For measuring the FHP, CROM(Cervical-Range-of-Notion)was used. This goniometer is composed of three part. First, gravity goniometer for flexion and extension. Second, magnetic compass and yoke for rotational movement. And last, forward head arm and vertebra locator for forward head posture. Next T-Scan, electronic occlusal analyzer, was used for recording of occlusal contact state. Other items such as maximum opening, lateral excursion, Helkimo's anamnestic index, and muscle palpation point from Friction's craniomandibular index were checked clinically by one examiner. The result of this study were as follows : 1. In male, control group showed much more measurement in resting forward head posture than did experimental group. But there were not significant differences between groups in female subject. From this results, the author contended that CROM is new measuring system and differ from other goniometers in some aspect, so that results should be re-evaluated 2. Mean value of maximum mouth opening in nearly all groups were greater than 40mm. and mouth opening had a significant correlation with occlusal force and with anamnestic index both sex. 3. Mean value of palpation point had not any correlationship with forward head posture in both sex, but there was significant difference between upper and lower group by rounded shouldes. 4. In summary, there was no significant relationship between forward head posture and sign and symptom of Craniomandibular Disorders.
