교모면적과 교합접촉양태 간의 관계에 대한 연구

A Study on the Relation between Occlusal Wear Area and Occlusal Contact Patterns

  • Se-Sook Kang (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kyung-Soo Han (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


The aim of the present study was to investigate a relation between occlusal wear area and occlusal contact patterns. For the purpose, occlusal wear area were measured in 58 dental students and in 129 patients with temporomandibular disorders(TMDs) from dental casts. Teeth used in this study were from canine to second molar on both sides in upper arch, totally ten. Occlusal wear area on casts was marked by pencil and photocopies, and then, the area was measured with planimeter. Occlusal relation was clinically examined with regard to Angle's classification, chewing side preference, lateral guidance pattern and bruxing and/or clenching habit. T-Scan, electronic occlusal contact analyzer, was used to record occlusal contact number, contact force, contact time and occlusal balance that is TLR(total left-right statistics) during tooth contact. All measurement were repeated 3 times and the average value was used for data processing. The obtained results were as follows : 1. Mean value of occlusal wear area did not differ significantly between dental students and patients. 2. There ws not significant difference in wear area between chewing side and non-chewing side in both groups. 3. Occlusal wear area was significantly increased with age in both groups. 4. Three subgroups divided by Angle's classification did not show any difference in occlusal wear area among them, but three subgroups divided by lateral guidance pattern showed slightly significant difference between canine guide subgroup and group function subgroup in patients. Occlusal wear ares\a in group function subgroup wear larger than canine guide subgroup. 5. Mean value of wear area in patients with bruxing and/or clenching habit did not differ from those in patients without such habit. 6. Correlationship among items related to occlusal contact pattern were highly consistent and significant in dental students and only one item significantly correlated with occlusal wear area was tooth contact time.
