한국도서관정보학회지 (Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society)
- 제21권
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- Pages.1-55
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- 1994
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
대학도서관 장서구성의 영향요인 분석- 부산대학교도서관 교육학장서를 중심으로 -
The present survey aimed at analyzing factors influencing the development of the university library collection, with the special reference to the case of the Education Collection of the Pusan National University Library. For this, the present researchers have identified two areas of influencing factors, i.e.., library factors and user factors. Library factors included collection development policy, manpower, materials received as gift and budget. User factors included faculty and students. For analyzing the factors, the present researchers have relied on qualitative research techniques, using heavily documents produced within the case library, interviews librarians, faculty and students, and observation.