Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 21
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- Pages.117-138
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- 1994
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Information services to industry by industrial su n.0, pporting organizations
산업지원기관의 산업체 정보봉사
This study attempts to provide the foundation for a possibility that industrial su n.0, pporting organization can be strong information centers if they fortify their information dissemination activities, along with the basic functions. The following conclusions are resulted from the analysis in the operations of libraries, service methods and their publications of the information activities provided by the industrial su n.0, pporting organizations. First, the organizations have not be acquiring enough information materials. The services for bibliographic information should guarantee the uses of original documents. Second, the number of organizations providing on-line information services has been increasing, but the provided materials are nothing but their own materials produced during performing the basic functions. Third, the speedy information provision and efficient information dissemination for the end-users in the distance may be possible through on-line service, but it requires information analysis function to select the necessary information in our industrial environment. Forth, th information activities provided by the libraries of industrial su n.0, pporting organizations should be fortified.