한국도서관정보학회지 (Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society)
- 제21권
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- Pages.253-289
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- 1994
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
온라인 목록 검색 행태에 관한 연구-LINNET 시스템의 Transaction log 분석을 중심으로-
The purpose of this study is about the search pattern of LINNET (Library Information Network System) OPAC users by transaction log, maintained by POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology) Central Library, to provide feedback information of OPAC system design. The results of this study are as follows. First, for the period of this analysis, there were totally 11, 218 log-ins, 40, 627 transaction logs and 3.62 retrievals per a log-in. Title keyword was the most frequently used, but accession number, bibliographic control number or call number was very infrequently used. Second, 47.02% of OPAC, searches resulted in zero retrievals. Bibliographic control number was the least successful search. User displayed 2.01% full information and 64.27% local information per full information. Third, special or advanced retrieval features are very infrequently used. Only 22.67% of the searches used right truncation and 0.71% used the qualifier. Only 1 boolean operator was used in every 22 retrievals. The most frequently used operator is 'and (&)' with title keywords. But 'bibliographical control number (N) and accessionnumber (R) are not used at all with any operators. The causes of search failure are as follows. 1. The item was not used in the database. (15, 764 times : 79.42%). 2. The wrong search key was used. (3, 761 times : 18.95%) 3. The senseless string (garbage) was entered. (324 times : 1.63%) On the basis of these results, some recommendations are suggested to improve the search success rate as follows. First, a n.0, ppropriate user education and online help function let users retrieve LINNET OPAC more efficiently. Second, several corrections of retrieval software will decrease the search failure rate. Third, system offers right truncation by default to every search term. This methods will increase success rate but should considered carefully. By a n.0, pplying this method, the number of hit can be overnumbered, and system overhead can be occurred. Fourth, system offers special boolean operator by default to every keyword retrieval when user enters more than two words at a time. Fifth, system assists searchers to overcome the wrong typing of selecting key by automatic korean/english mode change.