한국도서관정보학회지 (Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society)
- 제21권
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- Pages.291-323
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- 1994
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
한국의 문화발전에 대한 공공도서관의 역할
The roles of public libraries on the cultural development of Korea
The Result of the study can be summarized as follows : (1) Korean culture and public library look extremely wasted equally. Judging from this fact, I believe that it is impossible for public library can contribute to development of Korean culture. (2) But, public library can contribute to development of culture in the cultural environment that mental desire is prior to physical wants. This cultural environment can be built up with reading of good books. Therefore, if class to reading education and diverse reading education programs can be activated in a large portion of the nationwide public libraries and the majority of a local resident are capable of improving their creativity power, thinking power and imaginative faculty, public library can contribute to produce such cultural circumstances. (3) Quality, culture, a human and mind receive mu6 respect in Korean Society as advanced civil, democratic and industrial society in the future. The Society will be influenced by reason and rational culture will be suitable to this society. Creativity power, thinking-power, imaginative faculty, intelligence and power of information management are demanded to the greatest degree for the development of idea and new technology in the society under the control of rational culture. So, lifelong education with library use is the most fruitful and inexpensive way for the improvement of these powers.