Translocation of Seed Storage Proteins into Microsomes Isoalted from Rice Endosperm Cells

  • 발행 : 1994.09.01


Developing rice endosperm cells display two morphologically distinct rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes, the cisternae ER (C-ER) and theprotein body ER (PB-ER), the latter delimiting the prolamine protein bodies. We (Li et al., 1993) have recently shown that the storage protein mRNAs are not randomly distributed on these ER types; the C-ER is enriched for glutelin mRNAs, whereas the PB-ER harbors predominantly prolamine transcripts. To address whether these ER types have differnet capacities to translate these mRNAs and translocate their proteins into the lumen, a microsomal fraction enriched in C-ER vesicles was prepared from devleoping rice seeds. When present in an in vitro translatin system, the microsomes were able to proteolytically remove the signal peptide and internalize both preproglutelin and preprolamine within the microsomal vesicles. Of the two species, preprolamine was more effectively translocated and processed. These results suggest that the C-ER has the capacity to recognize and bind both storage protein mRNAs during protein synthesis. Moreover, efficient translocation and processing of glutelin requires additional factors that are deficient or absent in the in vitro system.
