사회복지시설 아동의 성장발달, 혈압, 짠맛에 대한 역치 및 최적염미도에 관한 연구

Anthropometry, Blood Pressure, Salt Threshold and Salt Preference of Children of Orphan in Seoul and Kangnung

  • 김은경 (강릉대학교 산업대학 식품과학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.03.01


This study was designed to evaluate anthropometric measurement, blood pressure, salt threshold and salt preference of children living at orphan home in Seoul and Kangnung. Anthropometric data of the subjects were slightly lower than the Korean standards, and those of children in Seoul were slightly higher than those of children in Kangnung. There were no differences in salt threshold and salt preference between Seoul and Kangnung. Blood pressure had positive correlation that partialled out of age with various anthropometric measurements(body weight, mid-arm circumference, girth of chest, BMI and body surface area), but did not correlated to salt threshold and salt preference.
