의복구매상황에 따른 점포선택행동에 관한 연구 - 직업여성의 과제적 상황, 시간압박상황을 중심으로 -

An Effect of Clothing Purchasing Situation on Store Choice Behavior

  • 발행 : 1994.05.01


This research has studied situational effects on the perceived risk and store choice behavior. Data were obtained from 388 females with full-time jobs living in Pusan. The results analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation analysis, analysis of variance(ANOVA), 1-test and discriminant analysis. The results of this study were as follows; 1. There were significant differences in percieved risk according to the clothing purchasing situations. Performance risk was perceived high in gift-shopping situation and time-pressured situation, and financial risk was perceived high in self-shoving situation. 2. There were particularly significant differences in store attributes evaluation according to the clothing purchasing situations. In self-shopping situation, price, quality and reliability, store loyalty were evaluated as important store attributes. In gift-shopping situation, quality and reliability, product iuomation and in time-pressured situation, store loyalty and product information were evaluated as important store attributes. 3. Consumers preferred national brand franchise stores in self-shopping situation. They preferred department stores in gift-shopping situation and time-pressured situation. The types of selected store were mainly affetted by shopping convenience and location convenience.
