쓰레기수수료 종량제 시행의 성과와 반응에 관한 연구 (안동시의 시범실시 기간을 중심으로)

A Study on the Result and Response of the Volume Based Waste Charge System in Andong City

  • 김혜태 (안동전문대학 산업위생과)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


The average volume of waste per a person in Korea is exceedingly higher than that of Europeans. But the social movement for the resources recycling and the environmental conservation makes the people play their part in several activities like the Separate Collection System. At the time of this agitation, Korean central government brought the Volume Based Waste Charge System into operation in some regions on a trial basis having full-scale operation nationwidely near at hand. Andong City which is one of points under trial operation had remarkble result during this term in resources recycling as well as wastes reducing. The wastes' diminution reached to 32.0 % and the resources recycling was increased by 13.7 times. The responses from the 701 housewives in Andong were also very stimulative. The neccesity of this system was judged conclusively by 91.6 % of total answerers. Also this system was considered as a successful one by 78.4 % popular support. But not little portion (53.8 %) of the answerers felt that the detail methods of this system were unconvenient. In order to take root this system in it's early stages, the Separate Collection should be carried out perfectly and systematically with top priority. And the next program should be the improvement of the detail methods in this system.
