개에서 발생한 위확장-염전증후군의 방사선학적 진단

Radiographic Diagnosis of Canine Gastric Dilatation-volvulus Syndrome

  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


The purpose of this report is to describe the radiographic patterns of canine gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome derived from a case. Radiographs showed the presence of a large amount of gas, fluid and ingesta within the stomach. The gas-filled pyloric antrum was present in the left cranial abdomen in the ventrodorsal view, and located dorsal and slightly cranial to the gas-filled fundus of the stomach in the right lateral recumbent and standing lateral view. On the right lateral recumbent view, the gas-filled stomach was compartmentalized by a soft-tissue dense band caused by the pyloric antral wall folding back and contacting the fundic wall. It was thought that the gastric volvulus in this case occurred In a clock. wise direction by radiographic findings.
