Applied Chemistry for Engineering (공업화학)
- Volume 5 Issue 5
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- Pages.878-888
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- 1994
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- 1225-0112(pISSN)
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- 2288-4505(eISSN)
Fracture Behaviour of Lubricants in ABS Terpolymer
ABS 중에 첨가된 저분자 화합물의 파단 거동에 미치는 영향
- Don, Yoon-Seung (R & D Center, Cheil Industries Inc.) ;
Shim, Mi-Ja
(Dept. of Life Sci., College of Liberal Arts and Natural Sci., Seoul City Univ.) ;
- Kim, Sang-Wook (Dept. of Chem. Eng., College of Eng., Seoul City Univ.)
- Received : 1994.06.20
- Accepted : 1994.07.18
- Published : 1994.10.01
In order to investigate the fracture behavior of ABS terpolymer under the tension and impact load, varing the content of rubber, molecular weight of SAN, content and kinds of lubricant, tension speed, the mechanical properties were measured and SEM pictures of fracture area were taken. Under the tension, the tensile strength increased as rubber content and lubricant content decreased, while molecular weight and tension speed increased. The deformation of area near fracture site did not occur as rubber content, tension speed and molecular weight decreased and liquid lubricant was used. And in the shape of fracture seemed phase seperation. Under the impact load, the notched izod impact strength increased as rubber content, molecular weight, ambient temperature and lubricant content increased. In the SEM picture, the strength was high white the fracture surface was small.
ABS 수지의 파단 거동을 살펴 보기 위해 rubber content, molecular weight, lubricant의 종류 및 양과 파단 speed, 주위 환경온도를 변수로 측정한 후 전자현미경 사진으로 그 파단면을 살펴 보았다. Tension하에서 rubber content와 lubricant content는 감소할수록, molecular weight와 tension speed는 증가할수록 strength는 증가하였으며, 파단면은 rubber content, speed, molecular weight는 감소할수록, liquid lubricant를 사용할수록 파단부위 주변의 변형이 일어나지 않았으며, 파단면도 수지가 서로 미끄러져 파단되는 상태가 아닌 상분리와 같은 형상으로 분리파단되었다. Impact하에서 rubber content, molecular weight, 주위 환경온도, lubricant content가 증가할수록 strength도 증가하였으며, 파단면은 사진상의 파단표면적이 작은 것이 높은 strength를 나타내고 있다.