Effect of Acua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang at Kansu($BL_{18}$) and Tamsu($BL_{19}$) on Recovery Liver function in Rat with $CCl_4$

간유(肝兪), 담유(膽兪)의 소시호탕(小柴胡湯) 약침처리(藥鍼處理)가 $CCl_4$ 중독(中毒) Rat의 간기능회복(肝機能恢復)에 미치는 영향(影響).

  • Oh, Se-Woong (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Sangji University) ;
  • Lee, Joon-Moo (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Sangji University)
  • Published : 1995.04.30


Effects of aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang at Kansu(BL_{18}$) and Tamsu(BL_{19}$) on the Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase(GOT), Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase(GPT), Lactic dehydrogenase(LDH) and blood pictures in rat with $CCI_4$ were determined. In the group with $CCI_4$ the activity of GOT, GPT and LDH showed a tendency to increase, however these values showed a tendency to decrease by the aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang throughout experimental days and these values were recovered to those of control group on the last experimental days. Counts of RBC and Hemoglobin showed a tendency to decrease in rat with $CCI_4$, however these decreased values were recovered by the aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang and on the last experimental days, these values were similar to those of control group. In the $CCI_4$ group, counts of WBC and the proportion of Lymphocytes showed a tendency to increase and the proportion of Neutrophils showed a tendency to decrease, however these values showed a rapid recovery by the aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang. In the meridian point of Kansu and Tamsu, the effects of aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang on recovery of liver function showed no difference. Results from this study indicate that the aqua-acupuncture with soshiho-tang can improve the liver function in rat with $CCI_4$.



  1. 慶熙大 博士學位論文 大戟水鍼이 鎭痛 및 水銀 中毒에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 姜成吉
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  6. 慶熙大 碩士學位論文 防風水鍼이 흰쥐의 氣管上皮細胞에 미치는 影響 金洋植
  7. 經絡 南相千
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  17. 東洋醫學 v.13 艾灸生體反應의 文獻的 考察 林鍾國
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  22. 大韓針灸學會誌 v.10 no.1 龍膽草및 柴胡水鍼이 $CCl_4$로 誘發된 흰쥐의 損傷肝에 미치는 影響 韓相源
  23. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  24. 慶熙大 碩士學位論文 人蔘 및 鹿茸水鍼의 時間 經過에 따른 免疫效果 硏究 黃敬愛
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