Manufacture of Some Korean Medicinal Herb Liquors by Soaking

몇가지 약초침출주의 제조

  • Min, Young-Kyoo (Department of Food Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Jeong, Heon-Sang (Department of Food Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 1995.04.29


Korean medicinal herbs -sasam, gilkyung, jakyak, danggwi, hwangki and chunkung were soaked to the distillate of Korean rice wine for 75 days. The alcohol concentration of distillate, soaking media was adjusted to 45, 35, and 25% respectively with distilled water. Changes in alcohol concentration, pH, optical density, concentration of peoniflorin and decursin were analyzed. Quality of the final product was determined by sensory evaluation. Alcohol concentration was rapidly decreased but pH increased in 15 days and thereafter they showed slow decrease. Decrease of alcohol concentration was affected by the kind of herb and alcohol concentration of soaking media. The strongest effect was observed from danggwi and low alcohol concentration. Concentration of paeoniflorin and decursin, an index component of jakyak and danggwi respectively, showed the similar trend of decrease after increase to maximum concentration. From the sensory evaluation, the best overall quality was obtained from liquors made from 45% alcohol concentration. The quality was decreased in the order of sasam, jakyak, chunkung and hwanggi.

발효주를 제조하고 증류하여 알코올 농도가 25, 35 및 45%로 조절된 침출액을 만들고 여기에 사삼, 길경, 작약, 당귀, 황기, 천궁 등의 약초를 넣어 75일 동안 침출시키면서 침출기간에 따른 알코올 농도, pH, 흡광도 그리고 작약의 peoniflorin과 당귀의 decursin을 분석하였으며, 최종 침출주의 품질을 관능검사로 평가하였다. 알코올 농도는 침출 15일째 빠르게 감소하였지만 pH는 증가하였으며, 그 이후에는 모두 완만한 감소를 보였다. 알코올 농도는 약초의 종류와 침출액의 알코올 농도에 따라 많은 영향을 받았는데 당귀와 침출액의 알코올 농도가 낮을 때 그 영향이 크게 나타났다. 작약과 당귀의 지표성분인 peoniflorin과 decursin은 최고 농도까지 증가하였다가 감소하였다. 관능검사 결과 전체적인 품질은 알코올 농도 45%로 침출시킨 침출주가 가장 좋았으며, 사삼, 작약, 천궁, 황기 순이었다.
