For the vioequivalence study of two ceftriaxone injection formulations ($Rocephin{\circledR}$ ; Roche, and Triaxone ; Hanmi0, the HPLC analytical method for the analysis of ceftriaxone in plasma was used. Fourteen healthy volunteers completed the study and each subject were IM in jected signle doses (1 g) of the test and the reference formulations in a two-way crossover design with an one week drug free interval between doses. Following each administration, plasma concentrations of ceftrixone were monitored over a period of 24 h. Bioequivalence parameters $AUC_{24th}, {\;}T_{max}, {\;}C_{max}$ and MRT determined from the data obtained for the two formulations were examined by analyses of variance (ANOVA) and other criteria and tests for bioequivalence. Results of ANOVA and confidence limits of test/reference ratios of $AUC_{24th}, {\;}T_{max}, {\;}C_{max}$ and MRT, and statistical tests indicated the bioequivalence of the two formulations (i.e., test/reference ratio was within $100{\pm}20%$) except for $T_{max}$ The mean of $T_{max}$ showed only 6. 9% difference from the reference but the detection limit was 22.5% which is slightly over the 20% criteria. No pharmacokinetic parameters including Ka, Kel, Vd and Cl indicated significant difference in between the two fomulations. It was concluded that the data yielded fro the two cefriaxone formulations demonstrated that they were bioequivalent.