Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 22
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- Pages.205-244
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- 1995
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
The impact of technology on resource sharing
정보기술이 자원공유에 미치는 영향
Originally the concept of the traditional resource sharing has been discussed in the context of bibliographic materials, and has been labor-intensive and high-cost activities. The technology has had a great impact on such pattern of the resource sharing, and has expanded the limited scope of the traditional concept into the sharing of library information in the levels of local, regional and national systems, and expertise, materials, facilities, equipments and personnels of the library system. While the traditional circulation service as a basic method to share library materials by users can provide the resource to a single person at a time, the electronic resource can be shared, by multi-users at a time anytime anywhere. The maximization of the electronic resource sharing requires that publishing process should be fundamentally changed and articles, books, chapters, speech manuscripts, music scores, maps, sound, and other formats of materials should be prepared in machine readable format. This study examined the positive effects of the technology on the resource sharing, but not investigate the concrete and complex problems as to the cost, guidelines, detailed procedures, design details, and intellectual properties and protection involved in the resource sharing. Some findings extracted from the study can be summarized as follows; (1) ILL will lose its meaning as a method to share the materials if they are all in the electronic format and the phrase 'networked information resource' becomes omnipresent. (2) The technology keeps on changing the concept of resource sharing. Today, the scope of resource sharing not only encompasses the sharing of the primary and secondary materials but also the sharing of the processings(eg. cataloging), expertise, user education, special facilities, and the integrated automated library systems. (3) The sharing of the networked resource will be a method to provide better services for library users in the low cost. (4) The a n.0, pplication of the technology to the resource sharing should be focus on the method which allows an end-users to do the direct access to the needed materials, and to be delivered the primary document as soon as possible.