Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 22
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- Pages.299-325
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- 1995
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A bibliographical study on the Gu Geub Eui Seo that were published during Yi-Dynasty
조선시대 구급의서의 서지적 고찰
The aim of this thesis is to attempt a bibliographical analysis of Gu Geub Eui Seo that were published during Yi-Dynasty. In this study maters that were treated concretely are the same as follows: 1. Formulation of a system about Gu Geub Eui Seo that were published from Three Kingdoms to Yi-Dynasty. 2. Background of each period about compilation ad publication of mathematical materials. 3. Investigation to transition, block book and domain of subject of Gu Geub Eui Seo through analysis on each period of publication. But it was not easy to contrast materials on each catalogue with existed books one by one. In further, we must a new chance for better a n.0, ppreciation about Yi-Dynasty's Gu Geub Eui Seo through continuous studies to this field.