Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 23
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- Pages.253-284
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- 1995
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A comparative analysis of reference education between the United States and Korea
미국과 한국의 참고봉사 교육의 비교분석
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the current status of reference education and to suggest directions for reference education in America and in Korea. For this purpose, the historical developments of reference services, and the names, problems and changes of reference courses are studied. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows; 1. The names of reference courses are various. In America, On-Line Services or Information Services are used in general, but in Korea, Reference Services are widely used. 2. In America, some library schools have only subject literature courses including business, law, music, etc. instead of basic reference courses. 3. Only one reference course is given by most schools in America and in Korea. However, a few schools which have no graduate courses provide two reference courses in Korea. 4. Analysis of textbooks used in reference courses shows that Reference Research by Joon-Shik Park, Reference Services and Reference Sources by Ock-Soon Noh are used in general. In addition, Introduction to Reference Work by Katz is used. 5. Lecture methods are generally used in teaching reference courses, but reviews of reference materials in library, class presentation, and case study method are also used. It is desirable that role playing and pathfinders' used in U.S. are introduced to our schools. 6. Analysis of library user instruction courses in Korea shows that 7 of 11 universities have the courses,, only one university teaches library user instruction as a part of reference courses, 3 universities don't. 7. Analysis of opinions about the directions for reference education shows that changes of reference courses names, expansion of courses contents, emphasis on communication technique, changes of teaching methods, proper combination of theory vs. practice, an increase in electronic reference education and training of subject specialist are needed.