Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 22
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- Pages.27-59
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- 1995
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Is the new writing style possible in library and information studies\ulcorner
문헌정보학 연구에 있어서 글쓰기의 혁신은 가능한가
The present writers have raised some basic questions related to writing. Do the theses produced in the library and information science field tell our story\ulcorner Are they field-oriented\ulcorner Are they easy to be read and to be a n.0, pplied by the librarians\ulcorner Problems in writing include research theme, research method and writing style. The present writers have a n.0, pplied phenomenological a n.0, pproach to these problems, using the observation of 'Co-workers Team' and interpretation of the 'Term Paper Collection'(vol.1-vol.5). Co-workers Team members consist of professors and graduate students in the Department of Library, Archives and Information Studies of the Pusan National University. We have made some proposals in this paper: First, we should not talk about American story. We should talk about our own story, and go back to basic themes. This proposal is related to the innovation of research theme. Second, qualitative research method should be introduced extensively in library and information science. Third, the strict 'thesis-oriented' and 'text-oriented' writing style should be overcome. The prevalent writing style in our field is so uniform that they are not capable of describing the intricate problems like "our living library".ary".uot;.