로봇 운동방정식과 감도해석

Dynamic Equations of Robots and Sensitivity Analysis

  • 송성재 (원주전문대학 자동차과) ;
  • 이장무 (서울대학교 공과대학 기계설계학과)
  • Song, Sung-Jae ;
  • Lee, Jang-Moo
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The inverse dynamic equations for 5 link robot including a closed chain have been derived. The closed chain is virtually cut open, and the kinematics and dynamics of the virtual open chain robot are analyzed. The constraints are applied to the virtually cut joints by the Jacobian matrix which represents the configuration of the closed chain. The topology of tree structrued open chain robot is described by a FATHER array. The FATHER array of a link indicates the link tha tis connected in the direction of base link. Based on the inverse dynamic equations, the torque sensitivity models of the 5 link robot have been developed. The sensitivity models characterize the sensitivity of the driving torque with respect to the link parameters. All the procedures are illustrated through the 2 link robot.
