부산지역 특급호텔에 종사하는 조리사들의 직무에 대한 의식조사 연구(II) -조리사들의 조리기술과 조리사 및 외식산업의 발전에 관한 견해-

The Study on the Job Attitude of Cooks at Deluxe Hotel in Pusan (II) -An Analysis on Development of Technics, Cooks and Food Industry-

  • 신애숙 (양산전문대학 전통조리과)
  • Shin, Ae-Sook (Department of Traditional Food Preparation, Yangsan Junior College)
  • 발행 : 1996.07.30


The purpose of this study was to get data on the job attitude of cooks. This study was surveyed 216 cooks who work for deluxe hotels at Pusan. The results were summarized as follow: 1. The cooks think that their devotion is most important source for the best cooking. The next are taste, quality of raw materials, skill and hygiene in order. 2. 57.9% of the cooks think that a degree of expertise their field are average, but 73.6% cooks believe that the degree of expertise is higher than the other restaurant cooks. 3. They think that a good cook should be sincere and have proficiency of skill, good human relationship and study attitude, but they also believe an academic background and knowledge is not important to be a good cook. A deficiency of knowledge about cooking is what cooks believe to be the greatest hindrance for progress of cooking skills. The next hindrance are, a shortage of endeavor and authority of management. 4. The cooks believe that the ability of cooking is most important for a promotion, the others are, in order, human relationship, career background and age. 5. The cooks show little satisfaction with their job, but express their unsatisfaction with their pay. Also the cook's social status is mean. 6. The cooks recognize that a change in hotel policy is most important for the cooking department of the hotel. The next are, in order, enlargement of working space, arrangement of equipments and hiring of experts. 7. The cooks think that Japanese cooking have the best prospect in a food and beverage enterprise, while Chinese cooking have relatively lower prospect.
