Study on the Content of glycyrrhizin, 18$\alpha$-glycyrrhetinic acid and glycyrrhizic ammonium salt in Glycyrrhizae Radix(Glycyrrhiza sp.) Used in Korea

감초의 유효성분 함량에 관한 연구

Han, Jong-Hyun;Baek, Seung-Hwa;Kang, Sung-Young

  • Published : 19960000


This study was carried out to investigate the content of glycyrrhizin. 18${\alpha}$-glycyrrhetinic acid. Glycyrrhizic ammonium salt, moisture/ ash, residue ash in four kinds(teukgamcho, won-gamcho, Ilho-gamcho, Eho-gamcho) in Glycyrrhizae Radix(Glycyrrhiza sp.) used in Korea. The result were as follow : The moisture content in four kinds of gancho was ranged from 7.00-$10.16\%$. The ash and ash of acid residue in all gamcho types ranged from 3.03-$4.09\%$ and from 0.02-$0.11\%$, respectivly. The glycyrrhizin, 18${\alpha}$-glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrrhizic ammonium salt in Teuk-gamcho, Won-gamcho. Ilho-gamcho, Eho-gamcho verified from line of dark purplue color by TLC and Rf value of glycyrrhizin, 18${\alpha}$-glycyrrhetinic acid. glycyrrhizic ammonium salt were 0.399, 0.932, 0.394, respectivly, and the Rf value unknown compoud 0.28, 0.66, 0.78. The glycyrrhizin, 18${\alpha}$-glycyrrhetinic acid. glycyrrhizic ammonium salt content of all gancho by HPLC were ranged from 2.93-$4.48g\%$, 3.52-$13.64g\%$, and trace, respectively. The 16 kinds of Glycyrrhiza (Licorice) were classified, and that the identification about 170 chemicals were phamacology action substrate by reported references.



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  4. 世界有用植物事典 堀田 滿;緖方 健;新田あや;星川淸親;柳 宗民;山崎耕宇;淺山英一;岩槻邦男;大橋廣好;柏谷搏之;北川尙史;小山鐵夫;小山搏滋;田村道夫;千原光雄;椿 啓介;光田重幸;村田 源;山崎 敬;湯淺浩史
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  11. 現代東洋醫學 v.2 no.1 甘草の品質 西本和光;安田一郞
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